Friday, April 29, 2011

What a Friday...

My original plans were to stay up and watch the Royal Wedding as it unfolded, but when I was still awake at 12:30, the thought of getting up again at 3:00 finally sounded crazy to me.  So, I reset my alarm to the normal 6:30 and went to sleep.  I have horrible allergies and once in a great while, sinus issues wake me from sleep.  Would you believe that happened last night?  I rolled over to look at the time and guess was 3:00 AM!  I laughed and took it as a sign that I should go check out the festivities.  

After learning that Kate wouldn't be arriving for another hour, I turned off BBC America (love that channel) and headed back to bed. When my alarm went off at 6:30, I was miserable, so I took a few morning medical hours and went back to sleep.  

I was back up at 11:00 and getting ready when I turned on BBC again to see the Queen arriving.  Perfect!  Kate will be next!  What luck!  So I finished getting ready while dancing around the room feeling the royal vibe.

Since I was arriving late to work, I thought I would stop and grab Jimmy John's to eat at my desk.  As I'm backing out at Jimmy John's, someone else begins backing out quickly and backs into the side of my vehicle!  Fortunately, (and amazingly) my vehicle has a plastic body and even though it sounded like *crunch*, there were only a couple of scratches!  The other driver and I were shaking and shocked that there was such minimal damage after the sound we heard the cars make!  We decided to call it good and left.  

I've finally made it to my desk and I'm still reeling from the adrenaline rush.  I think I finished my Jimmy John's sandwich in just under 3 minutes.  I share an office with 3 other people and they are all out today, so I am thoroughly happy that I have my own space to freak out in.  :)

Hope you are all having exciting Fridays too - hopefully getting your adrenaline rush from a chosen form of activity.  

Until next time...

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